Private Girls Schools Melbourne


Dr Cotter’s overall message seems to be try hard to study and achieve the highest ATAR possible as that will open up options, but it’s important to be involved in …

Fintona is a small private girls school with enrolment of less than 700 students.  The campus is set near the Balwyn shops but …

One of the first things that struck me about the school was the sense of discipline. Students were required to …

The school grounds have a peaceful feel.  Many of the buildings were multistorey so the rooms we walked through were…

Year 7-8shave their own dedicated building. There are four classes at each year level, and according to our guides, there are approx …

Community seemed to be an emphasis at MLC. Both the parent community and alumni community were mentioned …

Ruyton has a strong wellbeing program that seems very well resourced with a wellbeing leaders and mentors for each year …